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Next Steps Pinc NEXT STEPS is a group exercise programme for women who have finished their main cancer treatment and want to take the next steps on their road to recovery. The programme combines the best pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifially designed to help rebuild strength, flexibility and stamina. The programme runs for one hour per week for ten weeks and is specifically designed to help women affected by cancer. It is suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatment and accommodates all ages, fitness levels and mobility. The programme is delivered by certified PINC Cancer Rehab Physiotherapists and each class combines the very best pilates, yoga and cardio exercises for improving your health and fitness. Gentle, weekly take-home exercises and stretches are included.
Services S St
Steel Programme for Cancer Rehabilitation Steel Programme for Cancer Rehabilitation is an individualised programme specifically designed to motivate and support men with cancer to take care of themselves following cancer surgery and cancer treatments, by incorporating physical exercise back into their daily life. Contact us as you may qualify for funding for your programme www.pincandsteel.com
Services S Ph
Pinc Programme for Cancer Rehabilitation Pinc Programme for Cancer Rehabilitaton is an individualised programme for women, providing a range of services designed to look after you following cancer surgery and cancer treatments. PINC standing for Physiotherapy, Individual, Nurturing and Cancer. Contact us as you may qualify for funding for your programme. www.pincandsteel.com


Contact Us

  • 136 Wai-Iti Road, Timaru, 7942
  • 03-686 9399
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Hours - 8.30am - 5pm - Closed Sat & Sun