Better Breathing for Better Health
At least 1 in 10 people, of all ages, worldwide, experience some form of breathing pattern disorder or chronic over-breathing at some time in their lives. Pam at myphysio has an interest in the role of breathing and respiration, and its links to balanced health and enhanced recovery and uses the Bradcliff method for treatment. The Bradcliff method is about learning good breathing techniques - a drug-free option to help you live well in today’s stress laden fast paced society. Do you have a breathing pattern disorder? Typical symptoms are:
- Frequent sighing and yawning
- Disturbed sleep
- Erratic heartbeats
- Feeling anxious and uptight
- Pins and needles
- Upset gut/nausea
- Clammy hands
- Chest Pains
- Shattered confidence
- Tired all the time
- Achy muscles and joints
- Dizzy spells or feeling spaced out
- Irritability or hypervigilance
- Feeling of 'air hunger'
- Breathing discomfort

Try checking your breathing, Our natural breathing pattern is:
- Breathing in and out through the nose
- Low chest/abdominal pattern
- 10-14 breaths per minute
- A relaxed pause at the end of the out-breath
- Pam can assess you and develop breathing re-education plans to suit you which may include exercise, speech/voice exercises, sleep and relaxation techniques.

Have you experienced any of these breathing difficulty symptoms?
- Frequent sighing and yawning
- Breathing discomfort*
- Disturbed sleep
- Erratic heartbeats*
- Feeling anxious and uptight
- Pins and needles
- Upset gut/nausea
- Chest Pains*
- Shattered confidence
- Tired all the time
- Achy muscles and joints
- Dizzy spells* or feeling spaced out
- Irritability or hypervigilance
- Feelings of ‘air hunger’
*Check with your doctor if you experience these symptoms.
One in ten people, of all ages, all over the world, experience some form of breathing pattern disorder or chronic over breathing at some time in their lives. The result is a range of disturbing or frightening symptoms, puzzling both to you and your doctor. You feel unwell because of over breathing, and over breathing makes you feel unwell. A vicious cycle is established – which is a major stress all by itself!